Home Gaming Overwatch Competitive Modus beschikbaar op de PC

Overwatch Competitive Modus beschikbaar op de PC

by Mark van Truijen

Nadat het een week in de Public Test Realm heeft verbleven, heeft Blizzard laten weten de competitive modus officieel beschikbaar te maken voor alle Overwatch spelers op de PC.

Om ervoor te zorgen dat iedereen die mee doet aan deze nieuwe modus de basis begrippen van de game begrijpt, de mappen kent en weet welke hero je gebruikt, is Competitive Play gelocked tot je level 25 bereikt. Eenmaal daar aangekomen kan je via de Play knop in het hoofd menu kiezen om deel te nemen.

Voor dat je begin aan je carriere dien je eerst 10 plaatsingswedstrijden te spelen om te kijken welke skill je bezit. De rating zal liggen tussen de 1 en 100, des te hoger het nummer des te hoger in rang. Skill rating zal omhoog en omlaag bewegen na ieder potje.

Er zullen vier seizoenen zitten in de modus, elke duurt zo een 2,5 maand. Tijdens dit seizoen dien je een zo hoog mogelijke rang te behalen voordat je stats weer resetten.

En even oer de beloningen, mocht je top 10 behalen dan krijg je een speciale spray en icon. Een nieuwe set designs komt aan de start van ieder seizoen, deze krijg je door enkel al mee te doen. Door te winnen verdien je dan weer Competitive Points, deze kan je inwisselen voor gouden wapens.

Blizzard zal streng op toe zien dat regels worden nageleefd, zo kan het zomaar de gehele modus een seizoen blokken als mensen overmatig de game verlaten of gedrag blijven vertonen.

Teens is er natuurlijk een patch bij gereleased, hieronder vindt je de patch note:


New Feature: Competitive Play

Overwatch is raising the bar for competitive players, giving them the perfect arena to sharpen their skills and hone their strategies. Introducing Competitive Play.

Competitive Play is designed for players who truly want to put their skills to the test, and offers a more serious experience than our Quick Play or Weekly Brawl! modes. To make sure everyone playing the mode has a solid understanding of the game’s mechanics, maps, and heroes, Competitive Play will be locked until you hit level 25.

Once you reach level 25, the mode will become available under the “Play” button in the main menu. Simply select “Competitive Play” from the submenu, and you’re ready to enter a match. You can join on your own or in a group, and Overwatch’s matchmaking system will automatically find the best game possible for your (or your group’s) skill level.


Gamepad Controls

  • Players can now swap the left and right sticks on a control pad
  • “Legacy” controls option has been added:
  • Left stick up/down moves forward/backward
  • Left stick left/right turns left/right
  • Right stick up/down aims up/down (these can be inverted)
  • Right stick left/right strafes left/right
  • Sticks can also be switched
  • Improved dead-zone controls, giving players increased accuracy during off-center and diagonal stick movement


  • When activating Widowmaker’s Ultimate ability, Infra-Sight, her voice line will now be audible map-wide
  • “Weapons” section added to the Hero Gallery
  • Added McCree as an AI hero in Practice vs. AI, Play vs. AI, and Custom Game modes
  • Added a variety of a social options to the hero selection and end of match screens
  • Removed “Avoid This Player” option from the game UI



  • Fixed a bug that would cause players’ weapons to auto-snap straight up or down when the crosshair was aimed between 85 and 90 degrees
  • Fixed a bug that caused players who backfilled and then completed a game to sometimes receive a loss on their Career Profile and not receive their XP bonus for backfilling
  • Fixed a bug that would move players toward the source of a knockback rather than away from it
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to spam objective-based voice lines
  • Fixed a bug that caused Hearthstone-themed sprays to ignore localization
  • Fixed several framerate issues that could occur when cycling through the hero selection menu
  • Fixed a variety of issues with and made several improvements to ambient lighting
  • Made some improvements to how AI heroes respond to one another
  • Made a variety of performance and optimization improvements across the game
  • Unicode keys for non-English keyboards are now displayed properly in the keybinding interface


  • Players can no longer be resurrected in out-of-play areas on Ilios


  • Fixed a bug with the “Junkrat RIP-Tire Kills—Average” lifetime statistic
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause projectiles to hit Reinhardt instead of his Barrier Field
  • Note: We fixed this issue in an earlier patch for “High Bandwidth” Custom Games; this fix now applies it to all games
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Torbjörn to pick up Scrap while dead

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