Hardcore platform game Tic-Toc-Tower komt uit op 28 september 2015
Na het invoeren van Steam Early Access vorige maand, zal Tic – Toc -Tower worden uitgebracht op 28-9 . Maar dat is niet alles, want tijdens de Early Access maand heeft Sneaky Mammoth is het maken van een enorme inspanning op het polijsten van het spel zoals zilveren servies . En hun inspanningen zijn vruchten af , want het spel zijn zesde -update vandaag zal ontvangen
Wat is er veranderd tijdens early access ?
- The jumping system has been completely redone. The jump button is now pressure sensitive, players can now dictate the length of their jump much more precisely
- A new player character called ‘Bouncy’ has been added, she bounces around on a quint, red skippy ball
- Hell Mode, an extra hard mode with the added ‘benefit’ that players have to restart with every; spike, turret, sawblade that hits you.
- Worldwide Leaderboards, with friend leaderboard slated for the launch
- Completely redone sound effects, all the ingame sound effects have been replaced and improved
- The game now features a whopping 142 levels!
- Tic-Toc-Tower now has 30 achievements
- From now on, you can navigate the Tower in multiple languages; Spanish, French and Dutch. Japanese and German will be added at launch.
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