Home Gaming Steam Beta Client voorzien van update, nieuwe features voor de Steam Controller

Steam Beta Client voorzien van update, nieuwe features voor de Steam Controller

by Mark van Truijen

Valve heeft vandaag een update uitgebracht voor de Steam beta Client, hierin onder andere wat nieuwe features voor de Steam Controller.

Een van deze features is het maken van meerdere configuraties voor je controller.

De update zorgt er ook voor dat de horizontale invert setting van je controller werkt zodra er een muis of joystick is aangesloten.

Hieronder de volledige patch note voor de Steam update.

Steam Beta March 11 Patch Notes

•Emoticons show up now in Big Picture

Steam Controller
•Added user definable action sets for legacy games.
•Users can now add additional action sets with their own sets of bindings. Action sets can be added/deleted/named as appropriate and selected via a binding. Note that unlike mode-shifts, action sets completely replace all currently active bindings, and can have their own mode shifts and so forth.
•Added New Controller Action binding types which will expand in the future with bindings that are not specific to the game, but rather higher level, as noted below.
•Added Change Action Set Binding – sets the action set to the next or a specified action set when used.
•Added Show Keyboard Binding – shows the on-screen keyboard
•Added Take Screenshot Binding – takes a screenshot
•Removed hard coded desktop keyboard shortcut (stick click) and replaced it with controller action binding in the default desktop configuration.
•Fixed some cases of non-steam games not applying controller settings. Ensure that “Allow Launchers” option is off for this to take effect.
•Fixed controllers not turning off on Suspend power mode in Desktop mode which could

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