Ook heeft de patch het over nieuwe modi en fixes. Competitive play maakt zijn debuut in de game.
Hieronder vind je de gehele patch note :
Progression Rewards
- Several new sprays, player icons, and voice lines have been added
- Some of the less popular sprays and voice lines have been removed
- New Legendary skins have been added for several heroes:
- Gearbot” Bastion
- “Junebug” D.Va
- “Scavenger” D.Va
- “Sparrow” Genji
- “Fool” Junkrat
- “Hayseed” Junkrat
- “Scarecrow” Junkrat
- “Breakaway” Lúcio
- “Slapshot” Lúcio
- “Abominable” Mei
- “Yeti Hunter” Mei
- “Raptorion” Pharah
- “Thunderbird” Pharah
- “Plague Doctor” Reaper
- “Stonehardt” Reinhardt
- “Islander” Roadhog
- “Sharkbait” Roadhog
- “Commando: 76” Solider:76
- “Night Ops: 76” Soldier: 76
- “Comtesse” Widowmaker
- “Huntress” Widowmaker
- “Arctic” Zarya
- “Siberian Front” Zarya
Leaving Games
- Leaver Penalty
- If a player’s game completion percentage falls below our required threshold, they will now receive a warning message (this percentage is calculated based on their 20 most recent games)
- If that players continues to leave games after receiving this warning, they will incur a 75% XP penalty for future games
- This penalty will be removed once the player raises their game completion percentage above our required threshold (again, this percentage is calculated based on their 20 most recent games)
- Play Interactivity
- Players who are in the team spawn room and have selected a hero will no longer be removed for inactivity until 45 seconds after a game has started
- Players actively browsing heroes in the “Assemble Heroes” selection screen will no longer be considered inactive
- Removed initial warning message displayed after leaving a game
- Note: Competitive Play will have additional rules and penalties for leaving games
Technical Updates
- Network Graph
- You can now enable a network graph while in-game to help diagnose client networking issues
- Hit CTRL+SHIFT+N to toggle the network graph on or off
- Network Quality Status Icons
- The client will now pulse network status icons when packet loss or a network stream stall is detected
- You can disable these icons from the Gameplay settings menu
- High Bandwidth Custom Game Option
- You can now enable a high bandwidth mode for Custom Game, changing the client update rate from 20.8Hz to 62.5Hz
- Improved the regularity of player commands being sent from the client to the sever
- Reduced the maximum rewind time allowed on behalf of high-latency players
- Note: High-latency players will now extrapolate and potentially mispredict as a result
Control Maps
- Each round now has a unique name
- Rounds are now shuffled in random order
- Ilios
- Minor revisions to art and collision have been made throughout the map
- Lijiang Tower
- The control point room in the Garden has been enlarged
- The pillars in the Control Center have been removed and two new walls have been added
- Route 66
- Revised first tunnel on the left outside of the starting attacker spawn
- Removed ability for players to enter the hanging train above the starting attacker spawn
- Further adjusted payload size to ensure all heroes can move around it in narrow locations
- Significant revisions to collision have been made throughout the map
- Ice Wall
- Can now be destroyed early by activating the ability again
Developer comments: This is a simple quality-of-life change that helps Mei have better control of her Ice Wall.
- Caduceus Blaster
- Now automatically reloads when not in use
- Caduceus Staff
- Players can now swap between healing beam and damage beam without losing the beam’s target
- Guardian Angel
- Range increased slightly
- Cooldown decreased from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds
- Will now destroy environmental objects when you come in contact with them
- Can now be cancelled by using the ability again
Developer comments: Some quality-of-life improvements for Mercy players, as well as overall improvements to Guardian Angel. We think the changes will help her reliability and survivability when she is the middle of a firefight.
- Photon Shield
- Shield amount reduced from 50 to 25
Developer comments: We feel that Symmetra’s win rate is still too high at all levels of play. We want to do a pretty big swing here to see how it impacts her overall. This is a significant change that we’ll be monitoring closely.
- Rivet Gun
- Now automatically reloads when not in use
Developer comments: Similar to the pistol change for Mercy, this is a simple quality-of-life change that helps streamline using multiple weapons.
Career Overview
- Reorganized the statistics on the Main Overview, Hero Comparison, and Hero Statistics pages
- Averages shown are now per game averages, updated from per minute
Game Options
- An option to select custom crosshairs has been added
- The following hero-specific options are now available:
- Genji
- Automatically climb walls
- Hanzo
- Automatically climb walls
- Junkrat
- RIP-Tire: Automatically climb walls
- Mercy
- Toggle Beam Connection
- Reinhardt
- Toggle Barrier
- Soldier: 76
- Hold to Sprint
- Widowmaker
- Toggle Zoom
- Mouse Sensitivity While Zoomed
- Genji
- Mouse sensitivity scale has been reset and re-calibrated
- Several polish updates have been made to Spectator Mode
- Fixed an issue on Watchpoint: Gibraltar that allowed players to access out of map areas
- Fixed an issue where leaver penalties were being incorrectly applied to an account