Home Gaming Oculus Rift ontvangt patch 1.11

Oculus Rift ontvangt patch 1.11

by Mark van Truijen

Oculus heeft een nieuwe update naar de Rift gebracht, hierin zitten nieuwe features waaronder wat verbeteringen aan het Guardian System en betere instructies voor de sensor positie bij het opzetten van de headset. Ook zijn er wat bug fixes doorgevoerd.

Hieronder de 1.11 patch note:


  • You can now choose to skip updating the firmware on your controllers when repeating Oculus setup.
  • Improved visibility of Guardian System boundaries with better hand animations.
  • Improved instructions for Oculus sensor positioning during setup.


The following key user-facing issues have been addressed in the 1.11 release:

  • Improved experimental roomscale and experimental 360º support.
    • Fixed calibration issues for multi-sensor configurations and Guardian System setup.
    • Fixed tracking issues with Touch controllers that resulted in tracking judder or loss of hand location or hand orientation in VR.
    • Fixed sensor issue which prevented Touch controllers from being detected.
    • Fixed stability issues with floor height in VR.
  • Improved Guardian System.
    • Fixed stability issue with Guardian System boundaries moving when the Rift headset wasn’t in use.
    • Fixed tracking issue where Touch controllers weren’t detected by Guardian System.
    • Fixed reliability issue with Guardian System boundaries triggering too soon.
  • Improved Oculus Rift and Touch setup.
    • Fixed visibility issues with VR screen for adjusting Rift headset lens position.
  • Fixed search issue with Oculus Store and Oculus Library in the Oculus software.

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