Home Gaming Nieuwe Horizon: Zero Dawn trailers brengen nieuwe informatie

Nieuwe Horizon: Zero Dawn trailers brengen nieuwe informatie

by Mark van Truijen

Horizon: Zero Dawn is een grote stap voor ontwikkelaar Guerrilla Games, na 10 jaar aan Killzone is nu de wissel naar Horizon aan de beurt. Een nieuwe serie aan trailer neemt ons mee behind the scens en toont wat we kunnen verwachten als de game uitkomt.

De eerste video toont hoe de studio de wissel ervaarde van shooter naar adventure. “Horizon Zero Dawn is the first time we are creating quests, so we had to invest a lot in terms of technology and the open-world engine, but also in assembling the team,” aldus Managing Director Hermen Hulst. “Hiring a writing team, a quest design team… it’s been a huge undertaking for the studio.”

De tweede ideo gaat dieper in op het verhaal van de game. “The main pillars of Horizon’s world were already there,” aldus Narrative Director John Gonzalez. “We had the lush, verdant nature. We had these mechanical beasts that are like robotic dinosaurs, and also human beings who are living in a more primitive or tribal state. At that point, how exactly those elements had come to exist in this world together hadn’t really been worked out.”

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