NIS  America heeft wat informatie vrijgegeven over de klasses die voor de komende RPG, Grand Kingdom, beschikbaar zijn. De game die 17 juni naar de PS4 en Vita komt krijgt bij launch ook de beschikking over de Noble klasse, deze was in japan beschikbaar als DLC.

Er zijn drie basis klasses, de welbekende Melee, Ranged, en Magic. En als extra zijn er ook specialist units.

Hieronder de klasses zoals ze gegeven zijn door de uitgever:


Melee units are characterized by their high attack and defense, and specialize in close combat. They also have the ability to Guard, which negates all damage up to a certain point. Melee units have low magic defense, so caution is recommended when facing enemy Magic units.


Ranged units can attack from anywhere on the battlefield. With their extended attack range, they can disrupt enemies at the back of the formation who are charging magical attacks. However, Ranged units have low defense, so it’s important to position them such that can’t be dragged into close combat.


Magic units have medium attack range, and use ranged attacks that can affect multiple enemies. Some of their more powerful skills must be charged before they can be used, leaving them vulnerable to disruption from an enemy’s ranged attack.


Specialist units don’t quite fit into any of the other three roles in battle. These units have individualized abilities that can be a great asset in battle, but their specialized nature affords little room for flexibility

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