Home Gaming EVE Valkyrie wordt gebundeld met de Oculus Rift

EVE Valkyrie wordt gebundeld met de Oculus Rift

by Mark van Truijen

CCP Games en Oculus VR hebben laten weten dat EVE: Valkyrie bij de Oculus Rift geleverd word als je deze pre-order.

“EVE: Valkyrie is one of the most anticipated virtual reality games, and one of the first true VR games to go into development,” aldus Oculus VR founder Palmer Luckey in een statement. “It perfectly captures the promise of immersive gaming, shooting you into a sci-fi adventure as you pilot a spaceship in search of combat. Battling your friends (and enemies) in multiplayer space dogfights is the ultimate VR thrill, and we’re excited to partner with CCP to bring this experience to Rift owners everywhere.”


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