De eerste trailer van NEWS OF THE WORLD is zojuist verschenen. NEWS OF THE WORLD is een meeslepend verhaal met Tom Hanks in de hoofdrol en is geregisseerd door Paul Greengrass (Captain Phillips, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, Jason Bourne, United 93). Het is de eerste keer sinds Captain Phillips (2013) dat de regisseur en filmster weer samenwerken. Vanity Fair sprak onlangs met regisseur Paul Greengrass over de film. Lees het interview hier. “When the fabric of society is in tatters, you’ve got a character in Kidd, who in his lonely, singular, small way is a thread who connects one community to another.” “Even though it’s set then, it’s a film about our times. Neighbors and families and communities were in stark and often violent conflict with each other, and Americans needed to decide who they were as Americans.” – regisseur Paul Greengrass |