Battlefield 1 blijkt immens populair te zijn. DICE en EA komen dan ook met genoeg updates en nieuwe content, ook maken ze zich op voor de eerste uitbreiding van de game genaamd They Shall Not Pass, deze komt rond maart.
De uitbreiding voegt het Franse leger toe, daarnaast wat nieuwe maps en wapens. Veel is er nog niet over bekend, wel heeft DICE wat concept plaatjes naar buiten gebracht die hinten naar maps in en rond Verdun, Fort Vaux en Soissons. Hieronder de plaatjes met de :
“Around 1 million shells were fired in the opening barrage of the Battle of Verdun. This created massive forest fires around the fortified city and the battlefields surrounding it. Soldiers tell stories of being able to see these fires from far away. We really wanted to capture this initial fighting in a battle that came to be known as the Devil’s Anvil.”
“The initial fighting around Verdun quickly transformed villages like Samogneux and entire forests into shadows of their former self. Verdun turned into the longest battle of the war lasting 9 months which completely transformed it. We wanted our players to be part of these initial intense attacks in the cold February of 1916.”
“The stories of the heroic garrison inside of Fort Vaux inspired us deeply, they fought a tough battle for every inch in the dark in these underground corridors. Down here in the maze of dark galleries the French and Germans fought ferociously with grenades, flamethrowers, and poison gasses.”
“Some 40 million artillery shells were fired over the course of the battle at Verdun, pulverizing the ground, turning the earth into a shattered lunar landscape. And underneath some of these trenches, tunnels and underground fortresses provide for new experiences yet unexplored in Battlefield 1.”
“In contrast to Verdun the Battle of Soissons in late 1918 inspired us to create a new set of maps that captures the massive French tank assaults. The fighting revolves around key bridges over the Aisne River and something big lurks around the village of Fismes.”
Battlefield 1 heeft vorige week al een grote update ontvangen voor de premium gebruikers, hierin zat de nieuwe map Giant’s |Shadow. Iedereen krijgt vanaf vandaag toegang tot deze map. De premium pass gebruikers krijgen twee weken eerder toegang tot de uitbreidingen, snellere toegang tot de server, 20 nieuwe wapens, 14 gratis battlepacks en unieke dog tags.