Na veel klachten van fans vorig jaar op de opmerking dat Total War: Warhammer niet zou beschikken over mod support, komt Creative Assembly met de mededeling dat de game vanaf 24 mei zal beschikken over mod support.
Blijkbaar hebben Creative Assembly en Games Workshop een overeenkomst gesloten om mods te plaatsen in de game, je kan het volgende verwachten als je de game start:
- Steam Workshop: upload, browse, follow, discuss and install available mods straight from Steam, and access and manage them from the new Total War Mod Manager.
- The Assembly Kit: CA’s modding tool box, previously released for Steam Workshop, will release with the Database Editor and BOB for modifying and exporting database tables and campaign start positions, with the aim to add further functionality, including battle map editing, later in the year.
- Download Mods: Attendees to CA’s Mod Summits over the last three years will be supplied early access to the game, to help populate the Steam Workshop from day one. Also, well-known modders Magnar and Dresden will receive specific help from the dev team to produce certain mods. Magnar is designing a Legendary Lord Start Position Mod; customising start positions so that Legendary Lords will start in different locations from Race Leaders, while Dresden is engineering a Regional Occupation Mod; altering the settlement rules to enable each race to settle every region.