Home Gaming Valhalla Hills beschikbaar op Steam en GoG

Valhalla Hills beschikbaar op Steam en GoG

by Mark van Truijen

De nieuwste installatie van Daedalic Entertainment heeft een volledige release gekregen. De game heeft het Early Acces gedeelte verlaten en is nu volledig beschikbaar via de digitale weg. Ook hebben we de laatste Patch note voor je :

Dome Dwarfs :
  • The mountains are getting more dangerous! The dome dwarfs, who used to peacefully live underground, now feel disturbed by your Viking’s aboveground activities and are leaving their caves.
  • To secure their tunnels they hew trees and collect all other materials they stumble upon. Even worse; they like it at the surface and start spreading out.
  • They erect dwarfish buildings and slowly and but steadily take over your mountain. Should one of their patrol encounter one of your Vikings it will surely not end peacefully. Better be prepared!
Map Size Adjustable
  • You are now free to choose width and height for your map when creating new maps.
  • The courier has become more productive. He now aims to fill storages completely, not just item for item.
  • The courier now creates a longer wishlist, enabling him to fill his backpack to the brim even if there is only one sort of goods available for transport.
  • There are 11 languages to choose from in the options. Starting with English and German, including i. a. Russian, French, Chinese and Japanese.
  • Defense Towers: You are able to build Defense Towers now. Assign Vikings to the towers and they will defend it with bows and arrows.
  • Buildings can now be attacked: You can attack your opponent’s buildings and destroy them. But your opponent now can do likewise to your buildings. Damaged buildings are automatically repaired once the attack has been fend off.
  • There is more ore in the ground now.
  • Hewing down trees will now more often produce sticks.
  • Soldiers are now more frequently looking for malt beer and gold.
  • Construction sites can now be selected more easily.
  • The Linux -version is finally showing the intro-sequence.
  • The unlocks have been slightly adapted again.
  • The waves on the beach have been adapted.
  • The “Offering prepared “-Notification has a new icon.
  • Vikings who have entered the gates of Valhalla now have a special background in the Vikings-Menu.
  • Bones are now correctly buried after you have finished a map

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