Heroes of the Storm gaat eindelijk uitgebreid worden met Overwatch content, Tracer zal haar weg maken naar de game later deze maand.

Blizzard heeft een korte teaser uitgebracht waarin ze haar krachten laat zien, ook zien we wat outfits en haar Spectre Phantom Mount.

Daar bovenop kwam de uitgever ook nog met een lijstje van haar krachten:

(Trait) (D) Reload

  • Tracer is able to execute Basic Attacks while in motion.  Activate to reload all Ammo over 0.75 seconds. This trait activates automatically when player ammo reaches 0. Basic Attacks consume Ammo and add pulse bomb charges.
  • You can attack 10 times over 1.25 seconds, draining Ammo with every shot. Reload sets your Ammo to full.

(Q) Blink

  • Quickly dash toward target location. Includes 3 charges.
  • 6 second cooldown per charge

(W) Melee

  • Deal damage to an enemy, prioritizing the nearest enemy Hero. Hitting non-Heroes grants 5 Pulse Bomb charges. Hitting
  • Heroes grants 10 Pulse Bomb charges.
  • 8 second cooldown

(E) Recall

  • Returns player to the position they were 3 seconds ago. Also refills Ammo and cleanses negative status effects.
  • Comes with 1 second of invulnerability while it casts
  • 24 second cooldown

(R) Pulse Bomb – Tracer’s only Heroic!

  • Attaches a bomb to the first target hit, dealing damage in an area, or 2x damage to the primary target.
  • Dealing damage charges this ability
  • Costs 100 charges to cast
  • Holds maximum of 100 charges
  • Pulse Bomb is available to cast from level 1. Instead of a second heroic, at level 10, Tracer can pick talents to modify

Pulse Bomb in the following ways:

  • [R1] Sticky Bomb: Increase the radius by 50%, and enemies hit are slowed by 60% for 3 seconds
  • [R1] Quantum Spike: Pulse Bomb no longer does damage in an area, but deals additional damage to a single target equal to 15% of their Maximum Health
  • [R1] Pulse Rounds: The range of Pulse Bomb is doubled, and Basic Attacks versus Heroes give 50% more charges to Pulse Bomb

Mocht je interesse hebben kan je vanaf 19 april aan de slag met Tracer, als je de PC versie van Overwatch in bezit hebt. Voor de rest van de spelers zal ze vanaf 26 april beschikbaar zijn.

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