Titanfall 2 ontwikkelaar Respawn heeft zijn eerste update naar de game gebracht, er zit enkel een andere aanpak in de patch note.

Community Manager Jay Freschette deelde de note via Titanfall reddit, toen er werd gevraagd om een uitleg hoe de Titans Legion en Tone gebalanceerd werden bleef het stil. “Due to player feedback we’ve tweaked the balancing on both of these Titans. We’ll continue to watch player feedback and address as needed,” the notes said.

“The reason why we are not giving you folks specific details on the balancing is because we want you to just play and feel it out and let us know if it works,” zei Freschette. “Telling you numbers and details could color your expectations before you play and then you’re going into the game with a set perception. I’ve heard of all kinds of ideas of how to balance Legion and Tone for example and if we tweaked something that wasn’t what you wanted, you’re going in already thinking we did the wrong thing. We want you to go in with open mind and feel it out. You guys know were all about feel.”

Het is een interessante aanpak, en best accuraat, dit omdat sommige fans flink kunnen analyseren in de cijfers. Freschette gaf ook aan dat er meer details aankwam omtrent de veranderingen: “I’m playing around with ideas of content we could do to provide more context to changes or design philosophies.”

Dus bij deze, hier zijn de veranderingen:

  • Map Hack: Rebalanced Map Hack so that player locations will now pulse instead of always on. We’ll continue to look into this boost and will modify it further if it continues to cause frustration.
  • Titan Balancing:
    • Rebalanced Legion
    • Rebalanced Tone

    Due to player feedback we’ve tweaked the balancing on both of these Titans. We’ll continue to watch player feedback and address as needed.

  • Pilot Changes: Anti-Titan and Grenadier weapons once again restore ammo when embarking into your Titan. Rebalanced Amped LMGs.
  • Last Titan Standing: Fixed an issue with bad start spawns on Exoplanet. Fixed an issue that was causing round 1 to start while people were still connecting.
  • Menus: Fixed an issue with camos that would result in players not being able to clear the “NEW” message.
  • Last but not least…You can now play Private Match Solo!

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