Obsidian Entertainment’s The Outer Worlds heeft een nieuwe patch gelanceerd voor de Switch versie. Hierin zitten onder andere verbeterde visuals.
De lijst van de patch vindt je hieronder.
Features included in this update:
- Implemented a half-resolution SSAO
- Implemented Clouds in Skybox
- Replace SSR with SphereReflectionCapture
- Disabled subsurface profile shading
- Added Depth of Field to Conversation Camera
Changes and Fixes included in this update:
- Limited the max instance count for sounds to improve CPU performance
- Adjusted the volume threshold for sounds to improve CPU performance
- Packed textures to save memory
- Optimized materials for the environment and terrain
- Optimized and added more vegetation to the world
- Added details to the world buildings
- Used normal map textures instead of triangles for objects
- Re-designed some buildings
- Meshes rebuilt for improved visuals
- Lightmap texture streaming rebuilt
- Fixed character AI issues
- Improved the streaming performance to fix the building dark issues players experienced and some texture blur issues