Home Gaming The Division season pass houders ontvangen maandelijks supply drops

The Division season pass houders ontvangen maandelijks supply drops

by Mark van Truijen

Toen Ubisoft Massive de Season Pass voor The Division aan het promoten was zat er ook de melding bij voor maandelijkse events die exclusief voor deze mensen waren. Nu is eindelijk aangekondigd dat deze maandelijkse events bestaan uit Supply drops, dit is buiten de Dark Zone en bied je 3 High End of Gear Set items, vergelijkbaar aan je Gear score.

“Twice a month, Season Pass owners will see an exclusive supply chest drop outside of the Dark Zone in the streets of New York. Its location will be indicated on the map, and the chest will be protected by a group of level 32 NPCs. By opening the chest players will receive 3 items of High-End or Gear Set quality adapted to their Gear Score. A new chest will automatically drop and replace the old one on the 1st and 15th of each month, so make sure to claim yours before the next drop!”

De ontwikkelaar onthulde ook dat, “Update 1.4 will bring more variety to these exclusive drops with random locations, as well as increased frequency” along with clarifying that the delay on these events was because “expectations far outreached what we had initially envisioned and quickly decided to work on a more developed version.”


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