Remedy Entertainment heeft hun visie voornamelijk gericht op de Console en de PC, neem games als Alan Wake en Quantum Break. Maar de ontwikkelaar is ook bezig met mobiel gamen, hebben ze voorheen games gemaakt als Death Rally Mobile. Remedy Entertainment CEO Matias Myllyrinne zat onlangs bij Shacknews om te praten over zijn ideeën over de mobiele markt.

“We certainly see the mobile gaming space as very interesting,” vertelde Myllyrinne aan Shacknews. “The power of the computing devices, like the tablets and the smartphones, is increasing. And by the end of next year, the technical performance and the computing power will be close to previous generations of gaming consoles, like the PlayStation 3 or the Xbox 360. Now, you still have the interface, which is smaller, and you have battery use and stuff like that, but the power is there to make more complex, more immersive, and compelling games. And I think once the fidelity increases, the consumers and the audience will expect higher quality and more depth.”

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