Pocketpair heeft zijn eerste grote inhoudsupdate voor Palworld uitgebracht, waarin de eerste raid-baas, Bellanoir, wordt toegevoegd. Spelers kunnen haar bevechten door slabs te gebruiken bij het Summoning Altar. Hoewel raid-bazen niet kunnen worden gevangen, laten ze wel Pal Eggs vallen. Er is ook een Extreme versie van Bellanoir, die volgens Pocketpair “ongelooflijk krachtig en moeilijk te verslaan” is.
Andere belangrijke veranderingen zijn onder meer:
- Training Manuals: Deze geven ervaringspunten aan Pals.
- Ancient Technical Manuals: Deze geven Ancient Technology Points (te vinden in willekeurige kisten).
- Recovery Meds: Deze zorgen voor langzame HP-herstel in de loop van de tijd.
- Homeward Thundercloud: Dit item teleporteer je onmiddellijk naar je dichtstbijzijnde basis.
- Fruitboosters: Je kunt drie soorten fruit gebruiken – Power, Life en Stout – om de statistieken van een Pal te verbeteren.
Een nieuwe passieve vaardigheid genaamd “Mercy Hit” zorgt ervoor dat Pals de gezondheid van een vijand niet onder 1 HP kunnen brengen, waardoor ze gemakkelijker te vangen zijn. Daarnaast is er een nieuw gebouw, het Ore Mining Site, waarmee je ertsen op je basis kunt delven in plaats van op zoek te gaan naar mijnlocaties of een tweede basis op te zetten. Hier zijn enkele van de patch-opmerkingen en volledige details.
Palworld is beschikbaar voor PC, Xbox One en Xbox Series X/S via early access. Het is een enorme verrassingshit geworden, met meer dan 15 miljoen exemplaren verkocht op Steam en 10 miljoen spelers op Xbox
Update v0.2.0.6: Raid Boss “Bellanoir”
New Content
- Implemented the first Raid Boss
– You can summon Raid Boss Pals by using slabs at the new Summoning Altar
– Raid Boss Pals summoned by slabs are very powerful and can not be captured. Work alongside your base Pals to take on these powerful foes.
– Pals Eggs can drop after defeating Raid Boss Pals.
– The “extreme” version of the Raid Boss is incredibly powerful and difficult to defeat - New “Training Manual” items have been added. These manuals allow you to give experience points to Pals.
- New item “Ancient Technical Manual” has been added. This manual gives you ancient technology points and can be randomly found inside dungeon chests.
- New “Recovery Meds” items have been added. Using these meds will slowly recover your HP over time.
- New item “Homeward Thundercloud” has been added. When used, this item will instantly move you to your nearest base.
- New item “Ability Glasses” has been added. When equipped, you can see Pal’s stats.
- New stat boosting items have been added: “Power Fruit, Life Fruit, Stout Fruit”. These items will boost Pal’s stats when used.
- Added a new passive “Mercy Hit”. Pals with this passive cannot reduce enemy HP below 1 when attacking.
- New item “Ring of Mercy” has been added. When wearing this ring, you cannot reduce enemy HP below 1 when attacking.
- New armour “Multiclimate Undershirt” has been added. Protect yourself against both the heat and the cold with just one slot!
- New building “Electric Egg Incubator” has been added. This incubator consumes electricity to automatically adjust the temperature to the optimum temperature for each egg.
- New building “Ore Mining Site” has been added. This mining site allows you to produce ores from the comfort of your base!
- Kelpsea can now produce Pal Fluids at the ranch
- Dumud can now produce High-Quality Pal Oil at the ranch
- You can now reduce the weight of metal ore while riding Surfent Terra
- Increased the amount of ore dropped while riding Astegon
- You can now raise Pal’s rank to the maximum with a single synthesis using the Pal Essence Condenser. (Condensation progress is now accumulated in the individual Pal)
- Negative Pal status will now be resolved after spending some time in the Pal Box
- While aiming a sphere, it will now display how many of the target Pal has already been captured
- You can now check the cooldowns on partner skills for all your Pals on the main screen
- Equipment and item stats are now visible on the technology screen, even if you have not unlocked them first
- The tutorial has been improved and renamed to “Journey”
- You can now show/hide the “Journey” in the game options
- Damage number display size can be changed in the game options. (In Raid Boss battles, the damage numbers tend to overlap a lot and it may be difficult to see, so we recommend adjusting the size)
- Items dropped by players after death on a dedicated server can now be picked up by anyone after 24 hours of real-time have passed
- Added a new “sleeping” player emote (edited)
Base Related
- You can now allow/disallow certain work for base Pals at the Monitoring Stand
- Chest filters have been added. Select item types to allow or disallow inside chests
- Crafted items are now transported from crafting facilities. Selecting “allow transport” when crafting will result in Pals transporting those items to chests when finished
- You can now edit your character’s appearance at any time by using the “Antique Dresser”
- Building and building piece placement rules have been relaxed
– You can now connect stairs facing upwards
– Roof pieces can now directly connect to foundations
– Triangular walls can now be connected to stairs - You can now force a Pal to work and cancel their break by picking them up and throwing them towards a facility (Pals recover their SAN while taking a break, so be careful!)
- Fixed assignments remain fixed, even after bad events occur. Previously, some assignments would change due to certain conditions, but now they will remain fixed unless the Pal is placed inside the Pal Box