Er is een nieuwe update beschikbaar voor Nintendo Switch Sports, hierin is Golf toegevoegd als nieuwe sport. Daarbij is online play ook mogelijk, Golf kan ook lokaal gespeeld worden.
LAN play is mogelijk gemaakt, hiermee kan je meerdere switch consoles aan elkaar koppelen. je dient wel een USN lan adapter te hebben voor de Switch.
Ver. 1.3.0 Patch Notes
Golf has been added. It can be enjoyed in all modes: Play Globally, Play Locally and Play with Friends.
We added a Shot Assist mode in Golf to make it easier for beginners to play. To use it, go to Options → User Settings → Other.
This setting only applies to Play Locally and Play with Friends.
Please be aware that even if you have Shot Assist mode on, your setting will revert to Normal in Play Globally mode.
Play with Friends
LAN play is now compatible. For more information, please see How to Use the LAN Play Feature of Nintendo Switch Sports.
Several issues have been fixed to improve the gameplay experience.