Home Gaming Nieuwe Gotham Knights video toont je Skill Trees, Knighthood, en Momentum Abilities

Nieuwe Gotham Knights video toont je Skill Trees, Knighthood, en Momentum Abilities

by Mark van Truijen

IGN is druk bezig met het coveren van alles wat er in Gotham Knights zit, dit keer zien we diverse Skill Trees. Elk karakter heeft er vier, verschillen op basis van outfit en gear. Deze speel je vrij door het vergaren van XP en ability punten.

De voortgang die je maakt neem je weer mee als je wisselt van karakter. “If you decide to switch characters, basically, you now have a surplus of ability points that you can go into the menu and spend. You’ll sit there, you’ll allocate them. You can look at the whole ability tree. You can decide what you want to have access to.” aldus creative director Patrick Redding.

“The Vengeance tree is essentially reflecting Red Hood’s rage in different ways. He can be an intimidating character, so it’s about leveraging parts of his personality and embodying them as abilities that allow him to be more frightening and to deal more damage against certain types of enemies that he is truly angry inside about.”

De vierde skill tree, Knighthood, komt beschikbaar na wat belangrijke momenten in de game. Om de skills uit deze tree te krijgen dien je wel eerst wat uitdagingen te voltooien.

“I think players will, and probably should mix and match to get the best out of the abilities in Gotham Knights. We know that players will choose ability clusters as we’ve arranged them in the trees because they are excited about individual ability, but there is a lot of synergy between trees and also, you have to experiment to find out what you like,” aldus Redding.

Gotham Knights staat gepland voor 25 oktober.

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