Home Gaming Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: Verzamel alle 10 Memento Foto’s

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: Verzamel alle 10 Memento Foto’s

by Mark van Truijen

Voltooi elk van de volgende 10 Side ops missies om de bij behorende Memento foto’s te krijgen.

Elke missies bevat een stuk localiseren, neer slaan, en het begeleiden van een soldaat. Stealth is de sleutel. Je kan D-Dog gebruiken om soldaten te vinden, en daarna via iDroid het nummer “Love Deterrence” afspelen om ze af te leiden. Een Sniper met Tranquilizer darts kan handig zijn.

Als je alle 10 de foto’s heb dan kan je deze aan Paz geven. Je dien wel eerst het medical platform te bouwen om haar te bezoeken. Daarna verlaat je de kamer om de Morpho vlinder te vinden op de muur.

De Side ops hebben we op internet opgedoken voor je en zullen we niet vertalen, dit om vertaal fouten te voorkomen.

Side Op 51 (Miller and Paz)

This Side Op is located in the southeast region of Afghanistan. You need to finish Mission 06 first. The soldier you’re looking for is up on a hill, found on the northeast part of the Eastern Communication Post.

Side Op 52 (Professor Galvez)

You’ll find this mission in the southwest region of Afghanistan, and you need to successfully complete Mission 08 and Side Op 51 to unlock it. The soldier you need to extract is southwest of Da Shago Kallai. Be careful, because he’ll thrown a smoke grenade to escape if he sees you.

Side Op 53 (Swimsuit Paz)

Unlock this Side Op by finishing Mission 16 and Side Op 52. It’s located in the northwest region of Africa. The soldier can be found east of Bwala ya Masa, and will use a sleep grenade if you’re spotted.

Side Op 54 (Nuke)

This one is located in the southwest region of Africa, and you must complete Mission 20 and Side Op 53 to unlock it. You’ll find the soldier west of Nova Braga Airport. He’ll hit you with stun grenades if he sees you.

Side Op 55 (Fishing)

This mission takes you to the northeast region of Africa after you complete Mission 23 and Side Op 54. The soldier is near the Kungenga Mine, and comes equipped with both a shield on his back and stun grenades.

Side Op 56 (Gallo Pinto)

You’ll be in the southeast region of Africa, and you need to complete Mission 31 and Side Op 55 to unlock this Side Op. The soldier is located east of Munoko ya Nioka Station, and has a cloaking device. But you can use night vision goggles to see him again

Side Op 57 (Birthday Party)

This mission is in Afghanistan’s western region, and is unlocked after you finish Mission 31 and Side Op 56. The soldier is underneath a bridge, south of the Yakho Oboo Outpost. He’ll employ both a cloaking device and smoke grenades if you’re spotted.

Side Op 58 (Costa Rica)

Located in the eastern region of Africa, and you need to complete Mission 35 and Side Op 57 first. The soldier is in the southern part of the Lufwa Valley. He has a cloaking device and sleep grenades.

Side Op 59 (Chico)

You’ll head to the eastern region of Afghanistan for this mission after completing Mission 38 and Side Op 58 first. This soldier is found on a hill, located east of Qarya Sakhra Ee. He’s equipped with a cloaking device and stun grenades.

Side Op 60 (Futbol)

The final mission is located in the northwest region of Afghanistan, and you need to finish Mission 38 and Side Op 59 to unlock it. You’ll find the soldier in the Aabe Shifap Ruins, and he’s equipped with a cloaking device, stun grenades and a shield.

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