Mayan Death Robots heeft vandaag zijn eerste patch ontvangen. De patch heet, Super Weapons update.
In deze Super Weapons update, krijgen spelers speciale wapens die gebruikt kunnen worden in de Robotic Oorlog. In de patch zitten 11 nieuwe speciale wapens! Een paar van die wapens kan je hieronder bekijken!
- Mirror Image: create a copy of your robot that mirrors whatever you do until it is destroyed.
- Time Bomb: launch a ticking time bomb at your opponent and watch it blow up half of his side after a minute!
- Kamikaze: sacrifice yourself for the greater good. Jump to the other side as a fiery ball of doom and destroy his core!
- Launch a Blaster Drone at your opponent that will fly through the map and continually shoot rockets at its target. Chaos guaranteed!
- Clone Gun: drop an army of clones from your robot in parachutes from the sky. These clones will jump around and explode when they hit something. Chaos guaranteed!