Home Gaming Mario Party Superstars update 1.1.1 verschenen + patch notes

Mario Party Superstars update 1.1.1 verschenen + patch notes

by Pim, Sel

Er is een nieuwe update verschenen voor Mario Party Superstars en dat is de 1.1.1 update. De update zorgt dat er een aantal fouten gefixed worden en online verbeteringen. Check hieronder de volledige patch note:

  • Online
    • Fixed an issue in which the game cannot progress forward when viewing minigame rankings in the Data House.
    • Made changes to a game feature where a session is immediately ended when pressing the B button while in the Village Square after joining players via the Friend House. A message will now be displayed asking if you would like to end the session.
  • General
    • Fixed an issue in which the minigame does not end when playing Ice-Rink Risk, Dizzy Dancing, Catch You Letter, or Cheep Cheep Chase.
    • Fixed an issue in the Stick and Spin minigame in which the game’s movement gets slower as the high score gets raised and the game forcibly ends.
    • Fixed other issues to improve the overall gameplay experience.

Dit is de eerste update geweest sinds de game is verschenen in oktober 2021. Er was al een Day 1 patch die het nodige verholpen heeft maar nu is er nog meer verbeterd.

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