Home Gaming Het geschil tussen Gearbox Software, 3D Realms, en Interceptor Entertainment over Duke Nukem is over

Het geschil tussen Gearbox Software, 3D Realms, en Interceptor Entertainment over Duke Nukem is over

by Mark van Truijen

De gesprekken tussen Gearbox Software, 3D Realms, Interceptor Entertainment over het merk Duke Nukem zijn over. In een gezamenlijke brief leggen de bedrijven uit te stoppen met elkaar en de licensering blijft bij Gearbox.

Het bericht kan je hieronder terug lezen:

Mike Nielsen (3D Realms CEO): “When Interceptor acquired a license to develop ‘Duke Nukem Mass Destruction’ (‘Duke Nukem Survivor’) from 3D Realms, we did so in good faith and were not aware of any conflict. We never intended to cause any harm to Gearbox or Duke, which is why we immediately ceased development after Gearbox reached out. To secure the future of Duke, 3D Realms has agreed with Gearbox that a single home serves the IP best. And as big Duke fans, we’re excited to see what Gearbox has in store for the ‘King.’ As for our own games, we’re eager to complete development of the ‘Bombshell’ game and get it in the hands of our fans.”

Frederik Schreiber (Interceptor Entertainment CEO): “I’m really happy that the lawsuit between Gearbox, 3DR, and Interceptor has come to an end. Right now, I, along with my Interceptor colleagues, are busy making the finishing touches on “Bombshell.” We can’t wait until you guys can play it!

“Now that the lawsuit is over, I’d like to say a few things about my history with Gearbox, and hopefully clear some things up. I’ve been a huge Duke fan for many years, and the original Duke Nukem 3D was a big influence on me and my career in this industry that I love.

“I want to express my deepest gratitude to Gearbox for allowing me to work on Duke Nukem Reloaded. I decided to cease production of Reloaded in 2011 to establish Interceptor and work on Rise of the Triad.

“I want to make it clear now, once and for all – It was my own decision to pull the plug on Duke Nukem Reloaded, even though we were fully allowed to continue development. I respect Gearbox for supporting a young developer, and I’m glad we can now put this behind us.

“I look forward to completing development on “Bombshell” and—as a long-time fan of Duke — I’m excited to see what Gearbox has in store for the ‘King’!”

Gearbox Software: “Gearbox Software has voluntarily ended its litigation against Interceptor Entertainment and 3D Realms, and wishes to keep the terms of its settlement confidential except to confirm that Gearbox Software is the full and rightful owner of the Duke Nukem franchise.

“Gearbox Software appreciates the sentiments from Interceptor and 3D Realms’ representatives. Gearbox Software President Randy Pitchford said, ‘I genuinely appreciate Mr. Nielsen’s and Mr. Schreiber’s statement and sincerely offer my best wishes to Interceptor Entertainment and 3D Realms towards their future success and, as someone who was part of the 3D Realms team when Bombshell was first imagined, I am excited to see what they have in store for us with their game.'”

Gearbox had 3D Realms en Intercepter aangeklaagd in Februari over een niet toegestaan Duke Nukem project. Gearbox is eigenaar van de IP sinds 2010, en hoewel er niks in ontwikkeling is hebben ze nog wel de interesse in het karakter.

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