Home Gaming Elden Ring is “Finally at Hand,” “ziet er geweldig uit aldus – George R.R Martin

Elden Ring is “Finally at Hand,” “ziet er geweldig uit aldus – George R.R Martin

by Mark van Truijen

De hype rond FromSoftware’s Elden Ring begint lekker te lopen, het won tijdens de TGA de titel’ “Most Anticipated Game” voor de tweede keer op rij. Game of Thrones schrijver George R.R. Martin iis ook erg enthousiast over de release en liet dit weten in een post, hij praatte daar kort over de ervaring die hij had met director Hidetaka Miyazaki en de studio.

“A few years back, Hidetaka Miyazaki and his incredible team of game designers, the creators of the Dark Souls video game series, reached out from Japan to ask me to help them create the backstory and history for a new game they were working on.” Ook al zijn games niet echt zijn ding, was het een aanbod dat hij niet echt kon afslaan.

“Miyazaki and his team from FromSoftware were doing groundbreaking stuff with gorgeous art, and what they wanted from me was just a bit of world-building: a deep, dark, resonant world to serve as a foundation for the game they planned to create. And as it happens, I love creating worlds and writing imaginary history.

“So I did my bit, and handed off to my new friends in Japan, and they took it from there. And years passed. Video games are as big as movies these days (bigger, actually)… and take just as long to create.” Martin concluded his blog post by stating that the day of the game’s release is “finally at hand” and it “looks incredible.”

Elden Ring staat gepland voor 25 februari 2022 voor Xbox, PC en PS

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