EA is één van de “third party publishers” voor Nintendo Switch games, het zal zijn FIFA franchise daarvoor gebruiken. Nintendo’s kracht om grenzen te verleggen is één van de redenen voor de ondersteuning aldus executive VP Patrick Soderlund said.

“What I like about Nintendo is that they come to the table with a slightly different approach,” vertelde hij aan IGN. “They’ve done that in the past to great success, and sometimes not so much, but I think unless you’re willing to think about something unconventional, it’s going to be hard to break ground.”

Soderlund zei dat de Switch zal doen waar Nintendo al jaren goed in is, en dat is de huidige markt op ze kop zetten. “Nintendo forces us to think differently. … As game makers, makes us think about the platform in a different way.”

Door FIFA als eerste Switch titel in de markt te zetten toont EA de ondersteuning van de Switch. “This is our way of showing we’re going to be there, aldus Soderlund. “We are not announcing anything [else] yet, but you can expect us to be there once the platform launches and takes off.”


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