Speel jij nog Doom? Zo ja dan krijg je toch even een heerlijke patch voor je kiezen, update 6.66, fixed een lading bugs en andere problemen. Het grote nieuws is dat de Multiplayer DLC nu is unlocked, de season pass is hiermee uitgeschakeld.
De patch maakt ook wat veranderingen in het multiplayer progressie, de UI wordt wat aangepakt en een nieuw Rune systeem.
Bethesda cheeft een FAQ gemaakt om fans te helpen met alle veranderingen. Hieronder de complete patch note:
- Fixed an issue where textures appeared to glow on the player’s character.
- Fixed an issue in Multiplayer where players would respawn frozen at the beginning of a Freeze Tag round.
- Fixed an issue in Multiplayer where parts of the player model appeared transparent in some circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where players would disconnect from a match under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue in Infernal Run where picking up the ball when out of ammo would cause problems with passing or receiving the ball.
- Fixed an issue with the Multiplayer Challenge “Aimbot Hax” where Reaper Longshots would not count towards challenge completion.
- Fixed an issue in Multiplayer with inconsistent power item spawns on Outbreak.
- Added rotate on XYZ axis to the Grab Object manipulate controls
- Added setting to remove network limitation on single player only maps.
- Resolved various freeze and crash bugs.
- Fixed various matchmaking and lobby issues.
- Fixed visual bugs that result from combining specific HUD elements
- Fixed various freezes and crashes with using Campaign Model.
- Fixed coop crash with Bob and Rotate settings.
- Fixed bug that caused AI to run into blocking volumes set to Block Demons and AI Sight.
- Improved collision issues causing AI to partially fall into blocking volumes set to Block Demons.