De Call of Duty: Black Ops III multiplayer beta gaat volgende week van start op de Playstation 4, dus beginnen Activision en Treyarch met het geven van wat meer details omtrent de beta.
De multiplayer beta geeft je de kans jezelf te testen in Team Deathmatch, Domination, Demolition, Kill Confirmed, Hardpoint, Capture the Flag, en Search & Destroy. Er zijn drie multiplayer maps waar Treyarch het volgende over zegt :
- Hunted – “A big game hunting lodge set underneath a waterfall along Ethiopia.”
- Combine – “A vertical farming and research facility along the Egyptian Sahara.”
- Evac – “An abandoned emergency evacuation zone in Singapore.”
Ook de specialist zijn onderdeel van de beta, en twee nieuwe worden er meteen aan het publiek getoond.
- Battery – “Having grown up in a military family, Erin Baker comes into battle heavily armored and more than willing to hit the front lines. Her weapon is the War Machine, which is a grenade launcher that fires bouncing grenades. They’ll either detonate like normal after a short period or immediately upon impact with an enemy. Her ability is the Kinectic Armor, which is reactive armor that deflects bullets. She’s only vulnerable to headshots or non-bullet weaponry.”
- Spectre – “A mysterious soldier with no name, but one that specializes in stealth. Spectre operates in the shadows, leaving no trace of his or her handywork. Spectre’s weapon is the Ripper, mono-edged twin blades that slice enemies to ribbons. There’s also the Active Camo ability, which renders Spectre temporarily invisible.”
Ook krijg je de beschikking over de Weapon Paintshot en de Emblem Creator.