Home Gaming Baldur’s Gate 3 ontvangt Hotfix 1

Baldur’s Gate 3 ontvangt Hotfix 1

by Mark van Truijen

Larian Studios’ Baldur’s Gate 3 doet fantastische cijfers op de pc en nadert bijna 600.000 gelijktijdige piekspelers op Steam. Echter, bugs zijn nog steeds aanwezig, zelfs na bijna drie jaar vroege toegang en zes jaar ontwikkeling. Gelukkig is de eerste hotfix nu beschikbaar en lost een vervelend probleem op waarbij spelers niet konden opslaan.

Cross-saves zijn naar verluidt de boosdoener, en aangezien de PS5-versie volgende maand uitkomt, heeft Larian de functie uitgeschakeld en zal er intussen aan werken. Steam Cloud en reguliere opslag moeten niet worden beïnvloed. Verder zijn er fixes voor voortgangsblokkades en crashes, zoals spelers die vastzitten in een dialoog bij het eerste ontmoeten van een belangrijke baas.

Bekijk hieronder enkele van de hotfix-opmerkingen en de volledige notities hier (hoewel er enkele verhaalspoilers zijn, dus wees gewaarschuwd). Baldur’s Gate 3 komt uit op 6 september voor de PS5, maar het is nu al de op een na grootste Steam-lancering van het jaar.

Hotfix #1 Now Live!


  • Fixed possibly getting stuck in a dialogue in the first confrontation with a major boss.
  • Fixed a rare issue where player character states would not update properly after dying.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur related to one of Astarion’s cinematic dialogues in the endgame.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading an old savegame while at Last Light.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the brain reader in the Colony.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause you to get stuck in a loading screen when loading a savegame after dying.
  • Fixed a blocker during Character Creation preventing you from progressing if you chose a Zariel tiefling as your Guardian.
  • Fixed a potential crash triggered by the light system.
  • Added an error message to prevent crashes being caused by mods when starting the game.
  • Disabled Larian Account cross-saves temporarily to solve an issue blocking loads and saves. Steam cross-saves are unaffected.
  • Fixed a startup crash with the Steam API.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when quick-loading a game while a container or corpse was open for looting.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen if an item unlocked a spell for a game entity without stats.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when switching a race or a class in Character Creation.
  • Fixed potential crashes that could occur when closing screens like the options menu or when ending dialogues.
  • Fixed a potential crash when an enemy tries to use the Motivator during combat in the Steel Watch Foundry.
  • Fixed a blocker that could occur if you choose to attack the Emperor during a dialogue after you side with him.
  • Fixed a crash in PhysX.


  • Players will now correctly join cinematic dialogues that require all players to be present if they were listening in previously.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to listen in on private dialogues using the context menu.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to get stuck and not be able to join a dialogue if someone else is already in a dialogue.


  • Fixed hair physics on drow and elf male strong body types.
  • Fixed an issue causing phase spiders to skip their turn in combat if they’re standing on a web that’s been destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue with dice rolling, where retrying could cause the roll to fail if you were applying bonuses and clicking really fast.
  • Duplicate spells no longer appear on followers’ hotbars and you can no longer customise their radial menus. (Important to note: followers are not companions or full party members.)
  • Fixed Dark Urge randomisation in Character Creation for non-white dragonborn characters.
  • Fixed an issue preventing you from interacting with Withers in one of the camp locations.


  • Fixed issues in cinematic dialogues when listening in.
  • Fixed an issue causing the character models for half-orcs, dragonborn, and half-elves to not update correctly when unequipping armour in the character sheet.
  • Fixed some issues with prepared spells during Level Up, when multiclassing.
  • Hid the version number during dialogues.
  • Fixed splitscreen cinematics showing sampling garbage.


  • Fixed audio issues with grunts, shouts, and moans across gameplay and cinematics.
  • Fixed a line being cut off when speaking to the Restless Myconid in the Underdark.
  • Removed a clicking sound during the credits.
  • Fixed audio levels in a dialogue with Mayrina in the Lower City.


  • Fixed a bug causing textures to appear in bright, neon colours.
  • Fixed a splitscreen issue causing characters to remain invisible after a dialogue ends.
  • Fixed an aspect ratio issue when FSR is active during splitscreen.
  • Fixed surface texture details not updating when changing Texture Detail in the game video options.

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