Er is een nieuwe update live voor Assassin’s Creed Valhalla op alle platformen, deze is van 2.4GB tot 6.3GB aan grote. Hij voegt de ondersteuning voor het Yule Festival toe, een time limited event in de game.
De patch komt ook met wat fixes en tweaks voor de game. NPCs hebben nu een max power verschil van 51 met de speler.
Daar naast zijn de stabiliteit en de prestaties van de game aangepast. PC spelers zouden minder last moeten hebben van freezes bij bepaalde acties.
Game improvements
Performance and Stability
- Improved stability and performance.
- (PC) Addressed some freezes when performing specific actions for the first time.
- (PC) Addressed an issue that could cause freezes during Splash Screen.
Graphics, Audio, Animation
- Addressed various graphics issues.
- Addressed various character or NPC animation issues.
- Addressed various clipping issues.
- Addressed an issue where fish may lay on its side during the fishing animation.
- Addressed an issue where some NPCs would cut the air instead of wheat. practice doesn’t always make perfect.
- Addressed an issue where NPCs that are being assassinated while being unconscious would sometimes get up during the animation.
- Addressed an issue where Mimir’s head tattoo would not be displayed correctly.
- Addressed an issue with jagged sea foam.