Vorig jaar konden we al genieten van Abyss Odyssey, maar vanaf vandaag is de Extended Dream Edition beschikbaar.
In deze nieuwe versie zitten verbeterde graphics, een duel mode (2 player online multiplayer), alle Warlock updates en verbeterde movesets om verder te komen met de combos.
Daarnaast komt er een leuke actie voor PS+ members. Je krijgt 40% korting als je de game koopt!
Als laatste, zal je deze zaken in de game tegenkomen:
- Technically Deep – Since combat is the core of the game, ACE Team specifically focused on implementing fighting game mechanics into the action. Dodge-cancels and other demanding techniques will unlock the warriors’ true powers in combat.
- A New Nightmare – Abyss Odyssey veterans can double-down on the challenge with the Nightmare difficulty level, where enemies move quicker, hit harder, and well…if you aren’t confident in your combos, you should get used to seeing the void room.
- New Enemies – A familiar face returns – Golem from Zeno Clashmakes an appearance as a new mini-boss! Also brand new to consoles are the Tirana mini-boss, the White Phantom, and the Warlock Titan – a unique final boss who you might encounter fighting alongside one the original Warlock’s many forms.
- The Infinite Abyss – Procedurally generated levels will keep the three warriors battling for eternity.
- Meta Odyssey – At the bottom of the abyss is the Warlock. Once the community collectively beats a boss a certain number of times, the boss changes. The Extended Dream Edition has all the recent PC updates to the Warlock, but a whole new community to try and unlock each mask!
- Know Thy Enemy – Possess almost any enemy in the game to use its skills and combat abilities…each foe is as technically complex as the main warriors.
- ACE Developed – From the independent team behind some of the most boldly creative, aesthetic titles: the Zeno Clash Series and Rock of Ages.