Epic Games heeft een nieuw karakter aangekondigd voor Paragon, Wukong zal zijn intrede maken..
Dit melee karakter is een voormalig reisgenoot van Feng Mao. Toen Wukong te sterk werd om gecontroleerd te worden sloot Feng hem op. 100 jaar later is Wukong vrij en onderweg naar Agora. Alle informatie over zijn krachten hieronder in het engels.
- Control Aggression (E/Circle) – Passive: grants bonus CP to a random minion in the area upon last hit. Toggle: the Monkey King swaps between offensive and defensive stance. DEF – Defensive stance, OFF – Offensive stance.
- Staff of Legend (RMB/R1) – Extends his polearm. OFF: your polearm deals damage and pushes enemies back the length of the staff. DEF: Wukong plants his staff and launches himself into the air with a directional jump.
- Cloudwalker (Q/Square) – Passive: Grants the Monkey King a double jump (Spacebar/X). OFF: the jump will end with a slam into the ground which deals damage and slows enemies. DEF: he is able to walk on air following the double jump.
- 84,000 Hairs (R/Triangle) – When Wukong strikes a minion, hero or structure he will create a clone of himself. The clone cannot move and deals damage in a radius around itself. Damage dealt by clones is based on a percentage of Wukong’s damage.