Rainbow Six brand director Alex Remy heeft onlangs een interview gehouden met GameSpot hierin ging hij in op de omstandigheden omtrent het cancellen van Rainbow Six Patriots, en daar tegenover de opkomst van Siege.
“In terms of design, direction, and vision, Patriots was much more a story-driven, narrative-driven game. With Rainbow Six Siege we sort of took a very, very different position and vision at the time… We really flipped in terms of vision and direction. Even on the team side of things, in early 2013, we were 25 people. And pretty much the whole 25 people were new to Rainbow; they were not people from Patriots except a couple of us.”
De geruchten namen vorm aan in 2013 toen Patriots niet de vorm kreeg die Ubisoft hoopte dat het zo krijgen, Remy kwam met wat meer uitleg. “We really wanted to focus on multiplayer because we felt that’s where the franchise should go. And building that game around multiplayer, we thought this is how we were going to get some sort of sustainability in the long term. So I think that’s one of the things we were adamant in doing–building the game for the long term.”
Ubisoft wisselde en ontwierp Rainbow Six Siege, met competitieve multiplayer in het achterhoofd, een titel die richting eSports zou kunnen gaan.