Nadat gisteren bekend werd dat Microsoft meer vrijheid geeft aan ontwikkelaars van het Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps en games, is er nu een nieuwe patch voor Gears of War: Ultimate Edition op de PC deze unlockt de framerate van de game

“A new Title Update will be available today for Windows 10 Ultimate Edition owners,” aldus de patch notes die uitgegeven is door The Coalition.

De volledige Patch note vindt je hieronder:

  •         Added v-sync toggle to video options. Toggle “off” to not be limited by your monitors refresh rate. Note: This requires an OS update that can be found here:
  •         Added frame rate limit selector to video options. Use to reduce your frame rate if you are getting too much tearing, or choose unlimited to let the game render as fast as possible. Note: This option is best used with v-sync off. With v-sync on, it will force the game onto a refresh interval (render every refresh, every second refresh, etc).
  •         Added anisotropic filtering setting to video options.
  •         Added FPS counter toggle to video options.
  •         Fixed a bug where post processing could become disabled.
  •         Fixed a bug where PSO’s could be created on the fly instead of read from the cache, causing hitches.

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