Magnum Studio heeft een nieuwe hotfix voor The First Descendant, waarbij matchmaking wordt toegevoegd aan Infiltration Operations in de Hard-modus. Het maakt echter ook verschillende andere positieve veranderingen, waaronder het verwijderen van Immunity Spheres van Named Monsters.
Het erkende verder de huidige eentonigheid van Named Monsters en zal “binnenkort” meer unieke eigenschappen toevoegen. Encrypted Vaults geven ook meer zeldzame basismaterialen, die nu kunnen vallen van Elite Vulgus in Field Missions en Infiltration Operations. De duur van berichten voor feestuitnodigingen is ook verbeterd.
De meest welkome verandering is echter dat de regels van de Descendant Instructor een langere duur hebben. Hoewel er geen optie is om eerdere dialogen te herzien, werkt het ontwikkelingsteam aan het aanpakken hiervan. Bekijk hieronder enkele van de patchnotities, inclusief verbeteringen aan de optimalisatie, zoals het verminderen van de CPU-belasting wanneer shaders worden gegenereerd (hoewel je de shaders als gevolg daarvan opnieuw moet genereren).
The First Descendant is beschikbaar voor Xbox One, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S en PC.
The First Descendant Hotfix 1.0.2
Content Improvements
- Added the ‘Start Public Operation’ function (matchmaking) to Infiltration Operations (Hard). ‘Start Public Operation’ is available even if you change the selected reward, but if you select an additional option, only ‘Start Private Operation’ will be available.
- Removed the sequential type Immunity Spheres from Named Monsters. They have been changed to either the default or extermination types.
# Director’s Comment
The Dev Team acknowledges the community’s concern about the monotonous patterns of Named Monsters and strives to enhance them.
In particular, we’ve noted that the pattern involving breaking spheres in a specific order isn’t appropriate for public matching and have decided to remove it immediately.
As new patterns are developed, we will soon update the patterns of existing Named Monsters one by one.
As Named Monsters frequently appear in Hard difficulty and Special Operations, we will continue working towards diversifying their patterns.
- Increased the quantity of rare basic materials dropped from Encrypted Vaults three-fold. The Elite Vulgus that appear in Field Missions and Infiltration Operations will now drop them too.
# Director’s Comment
The most efficient way to farm rare basic materials is still through Encrypted Vaults, but for those who prefer hunting monsters, we have updated Field Missions and Infiltration Operations to drop these materials too.
The Dev Team will closely monitor the overall farming status and do our best to create a joyful environment for all our Descendants.
- Reduced the time from two 90-second to two 60-second occupations for the Kingston ‘Vulgus Data Transmitter’ Hacking Mission.
- Improved the Battle Pass Battle Supply Shop button’s visibility by redesigning it in the format of the Bonus Shop banner.
# Director’s Comment
You can get season-limited skins for free from the Battle Supply Shop. Complete pre-season challenges to claim your special skins!
- Updated the Library window from closing when the map is opened and closed through the Acquisition Information pop-up.
- Improved the duration of party invitation messages to make them easier to confirm and accept.
- Improved the duration of the Descendant Instructor’s lines.
# Director’s Comment
Many Descendants have commented that the Descendant Instructor’s dialogue contains many useful game tips.
Currently, it’s not possible to revisit previous dialogues, but we are planning to fix this.
We will continue to make improvements so that Descendants can easily access the information they require.
Moved the guide NPC you meet after first arriving in Albion closer.
Optimization Improvements
- [PC] Improved the stability of the shader preparation process by reducing the CPU load during shader generation.
- (Updated) Due to shader optimization, shader has to be generated again. It may take some time depending on the device
- Currently, we are actively monitoring this issue, and if you encounter issues with a 13th or 14th gen Intel, please refer to Intel’s official guide.
- [PC] Lowered GPU memory usage when set at High or higher quality.
- [PC] Fixed an issue where character skins were displayed abnormally in low graphics settings intermittently during extended play.
- [PC] Fixed a bug that allowed frame limits to be set when using Nvidia and AMD’s Frame Generation.
- [Common] Fixed an issue where shadows were intermittently displayed abnormally depending on the view.
- [Common] Made various other fixes for optimization purposes, and we will continuously monitor them.
Bug Fixes
(1) UI/UX
- Fixed an issue displaying unused items in the Library.
(2) Descendants
- Fixed an issue where Descendants could not get out of DBNO when their HP was below -100% from module settings.
- Fixed an issue where Kyle would occasionally go up into the air when using ‘Superconductivity Thrusters’ during ‘Repulsion Dash’.
- Fixed an issue where Esiemo could not get back up while using ‘Arche Explosion’ and being inflicted with Knockback.