Home Gaming 2Dark ontwikkelaar Gloomywood tekent distributiedeal met Bigben Interactive

2Dark ontwikkelaar Gloomywood tekent distributiedeal met Bigben Interactive

by Mark van Truijen

Franse ontwikkelaar Gloomywood heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat uitgever Bigben Interactive het ontwikkelingsteam van Frédérick Raynal, het creatieve brein achter het originele Alone in the Dark, gaat helpen om de distributie te regelen van hun nieuwe horror game 2Dark.

Bigben Interactive zal het team ondersteunen met de distributie en marketingactiviteiten, waarbij Gloomywood zich volledig kan richten op het maken van de stealth horror adventure game 2Dark, die uitgebracht gaat worden op de PC in 2016.

As a small development team, we quickly realised that various other tasks can distract you from the most important thing: developing and delivering the best possible gameplay experience for the audience. We are very pleased to have the support of Bigben Interactive on our side, freeing the team up so that they can focus on realising the full vision we have for 2Dark” aldus Frédérick Raynal, head of development bij Gloomywood.

With our experience of working with some of the best games developers in the business, and advising them on digital distribution and marketing activities, we’re able to effectively help bring Gloomywood’s 2Dark to as wide an audience as possible” liet Benoît Clerc, Head of Group Software bij Bigben Interactive weten.

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